Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Day 10 (July 23rd)

Day started with rain. Then went to mist and overcast. Took some pictures, not sure of the quality.

Fuel was low and we were on a turnpike. Trying to find diesel turned out to be a huge problem in a strange area, near and in Albany, NY. Asked advice at a toll booth and they gave us the name of a place that had been closed for several months. Next directions were confusing as we were on small roads near the port authority. Fuel levels are now down to 7 miles. Found a new station with diesel and the tanks were down and might not be on for 2 hours. Fred is sweating big time by now. We are down to 4 miles of fuel left. Finally found a dumpy station with a big truck lot that sold diesel. Fuel was just short of $5 per gal. After filling up, we hoped the rest of the day would be uneventful.

When we got into Vermont, we were rewarded with the most picturesque sights. We drove historic route US7. Everyone living on that road had great pride in the heritage of the area. The churches we passed were mostly built in the 1700's. It was neat. Finally in a campground just north of our destination. Hope to get the blog up to date tonight.

Oh, yeh, forgot to tell you that we drove is a misty rain today. Started raining pretty hard after we got the trailer set up. Just heard on the news that this area so far has received almost two inches of rain with more to come. Glad we're not camping on the river tonight.

That's all for tonight, folks.

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