Friday, August 1, 2008

Day 17 July 30th

Off to take in the Eastern coast south of Halifax. The route we are taking is known as the “Lighthouse Route”. Taking Provincial roads along the seashore and over the ridges close to the seashore. When away from the shore, there are dense forests of pine trees.

Our first stop in our excursion was at Peggy’s Cove. The upheaval of granite covers this area. Of course we had to make our way out on the rocks to view the coast from a different angle.

Back along the rocks to the lighthouse that protects this area. This lighthouse had a dual purpose for many years as Peggy’s Cove’s Post Office. Oh, yeh, mailing post cards from here back to the states costs $1.24 each. And you thought OUR rates were high.

From Peggy’s Cove, we kept on going south along the coast and came to the small village of Mahone Bay. This town is famous for its Three Churches on the coast. Being a long time fishing and boat building community, they needed plenty of blessings. Had a picnic here and headed onward.

The last community we visited was Lunenburg. Narrow streets, one way roads, many shops and eateries and the famous Lunenburg Academy (shown here).

Set the GPS for home and discovered that we had driven over 150 miles so far today and the campground was a short 60 miles away. Told you we drove along the coast.

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