Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Day 14 July 27th

Day 14—Off to Saint Johns , New Brunswick. There is a reversing falls there, so we just have to check it out. Found a campground with room so we made early reservations. We had an adventure just finding it. The directions were poor and the person on the phone was not much better.

Finally found it.

It required a ferry boat ride to get there. We have check into taking the trailer on ferry boats. Would you believe cubic money per foot. This ferry is cable driven and is run by the Provincial Maritime. Also we lost and hour in a new time zone. We are on Atlantic time.

The campground had been flooded on May 1 2008. Lots of rain and the flood gates were opened to control the flooding upstream. We had a great spot up on top of the hill. Had to try the hill twice! ! ! Spinning the tires the first time. Only got 1/3 of the way up. Got a little running start and made it just fine.

1 comment:

jyothisethu said...

your blogg is very interesting for those who like travelling.